Sunday, April 8, 2012

David Crank - Jesus Didn't Come to Condemn - Easter 2012

What we need is what Jesus portrayed...this loving God who is not here to point a finger at us but who is ready to identify with us.

Who needs to be told they are going to hell???

We all pretty much know that...

Some of us have even been told to go to hell… 

It's not about ACTING like a christian, if you have prayed to invite Jesus into your life, you ARE a christian.

Once you've prayed the prayer to accept Jesus, you ARE a christian whether you act like it or not because it's not based on your performance, but what HE did for YOU! You may not FEEL any different, but the difference is your relationship with Jesus.

Jesus didn’t go to his disciples or the church when He first came out of the tomb, he went to the lowliest sinner because THAT is where he works. THAT is who he went to the cross for… 

Every one of us, from the smallest child to the oldest person has fallen short of the glory of God.

Jesus shows up to prove a point – he will get down in the lowest dirtiest points of your life because THAT’s why he died on the cross.

Are You Living Like An Eagle or a Chicken?

A young man finds an eagle egg and puts it under a chicken in a chicken coop.

The eaglet hatches just like all the other chickens.

The other chickens are teaching him how to peck around, he’s afraid of what they are afraid of, we have to look out for predators and snakes…but as the eagle looks around, he see’s a huge eagle soaring high above with a snake in his mouth. He’s not afraid of a snake, in fact he’s not even flapping his wings. He’s soaring high above adversity. 

This little eaglet looks up and thinks, wow I want to be like that.

The other chickens tell him that he can’t do that, we’re just chickens, we just flap around down here on the ground.

There was something in the eagle's bloodline that made him realize there is something more for him, something higher than this life right now.

We’re looking up at God tonight because that bloodline is yours.

If you hang with chickens you’re going to continue being a chicken…you’re going to continue acting like a chicken by being afraid of everything and never soaring above adversity.


Jesus says I paid too much for us both to pay, you stop hanging on your own cross, you start hanging with me because there is a bloodline of soaring, not existing, that you can enjoy today.
And the same one who descended is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that he might fill the entire universe with himself. Ephesians 4:10
We’re not fighting to get something, we’re fighting from a position of victory. When he ascended, he brought us with him.
For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6
If our eyes are always on what we are not, then we cannot see ourselves seated in heavenly places. You are in a royal bloodline today, you are seated with God.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church... Ephesians 1:22

We should be walking on top of the junk in our life instead of sinking into it…

Much like Peter, when He took his eyes off of Jesus, He began to sink. When his eyes got back on Jesus, he rose above his circumstances.

Stop pointing the finger at yourself, saying someday I’m going to do right and get cleaned up. Quit putting it off - you're not going to change on your own.

You are your own worst critic. You have put yourself on the cross more than anyone else.

When you get your mind off of yourself and you get it on Jesus, you will begin to notice that behavior modification begins from the inside out, not the outside in.

Get your eyes off of what you are not and you get them onto what He is.

Start reading your bible and glorifying God and get plugged into a church right now in the middle of all of your bad habits. 

Yes, read your bible even while you have that cigarette in one hand and that beer in the other and you're cussing.

Don't wait until you've stopped doing all of those things, Jesus wants you as you are right now.

You’ll begin to realize the things you thought you had to do, you no longer have to do, because Christ will fill you up inside and fill all those empty gaps in your life.

Your condition will always be a work in progress here on earth, but your position is firm.

You might be really screwed up conditionally.
You are positionally in right-standing with God.

He didn't, and doesn't, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. (Romans 5:6-8 MSG)

 ...There is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we're at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen... (Romans 5:9-11 MSG)
Even when we weren’t right, God sets us right, even when we don’t act right.

Jesus said, in Romans:  I didn’t come into the world to condemn the world… 

The holy spirit will convict.  It will say on the inside:
  • tell them you’re sorry
  • you’re eating too much
  • stop doing that
  • slow down there’s a cop over the hill…

God is leading you, but he’s not accusing.

When you feel bad, it’s the enemy.
When you know you need to change and it’s loving, that’s God.

In Romans 8, people had found a woman in the act of adultery.

[How many of us know, they shouldn't have been watching a woman commit adultery... That you're not supposed to be watching things like that?]

Her accusers said the law says she should be stoned. Jesus told them to have the person with no sin to cast the first stone and from the oldest to the youngest they began to walk away. The accusers are all gone.

Jesus says, neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.

Jesus knows that if you feel better about yourself and you know that Jesus died for you, and you know that there is no way in the world that you’re going to get out of here without messing up and you keep all of the emphasis on God, you’re more likely to do better when you feel better and you’re more likely to do bad when you feel bad! 

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. Colossians 2:13
He concealed and cancelled your record of all the charges against you and destroyed it by nailing Christ to the cross.

Religion condemns you.

Don’t let anyone condemn you.

A Second Chance

We have a small dog and on this particular day, I had a lot going on and the dog had made enough messes in the house one day that I was fed up. I asked my 8 year old daughter, "What we should we do with this dog?"

She said, “Dad, I think we ought to give the dog another chance!”

I realized that’s exactly what God thinks about you and I.
When we mess up, the devil says, “What are we going to do with you?”

I think Jesus is sitting in heaven and is saying, “I think we should give him another chance, up to 490 times a day over the same sin.”

He loves you, he’s forgiven you!!!
Since you’re not God and HE forgave you, YOU need to forgive you!

This is the time for you to embrace this total forgiveness that God has offered you, you’re just human like the rest of us, and now from this moment forward you’re going to put God in charge of your life.
You’re going to stop running away from church and you’re going to feel his anointing and you’re going to feel his grace.


Father, I thank you for forgiving me and I ask you Lord to supernaturally help me to forgive myself. I’ve done wrong, I know I’ve done wrong, but it makes me miserable when I focus on my wrong doing instead of focusing on your righteousness and your right doing.

Because of what you’ve done, I receive that forgiveness and since you Lord, visit a notorious sinner as soon as you come out of the tomb, I see that as a sign that you have visited me on this Resurrection weekend so that I could forever be made whole and enjoy my life.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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