Saturday, January 7, 2012

Treat Everyday Like It's A Friday

Tonight Pastor David proclaimed that we need to treat Everyday like a Friday. This statement is initiated from Joel Osteen's new book "Everyday A Friday".

Pastor David states that this year is a "YEAR OF COMPLETION".

This is 2012 and 12 is the number for completion or finishing. God is going to finish what He started in each of us. We are going to see breakthroughs that we never imagined possible. There are pillars or stepping stones that need to be in place, plotting our path, for without a plan, we just meander through life. God is going to stretch our capacity, we need to stop focusing on what we aren't and focus on what God IS.

We are to use the Word to speak into our future:
  • I'm going to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)
  • I'm not going to lean on my own understanding (Prov 3:5)
  • I'm going to acknowledge Him in all my ways (Prov 3:6)
  • He's going to direct my path (Prov 3:6)
  • He brings health into my life (Psalm 103:3) 
It's not that we don't do the right things, we just don't do them long enough.

Make up your mind that you're going to love 2012 BEFORE you see evidence of it and make Everyday a Friday!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The End and Beginning of a Year

Jason Crabb and his talented musicians blessed Faith Church St Louis with a performance on New Years Eve... While the Crabb Family is renowned across generations for their style of music, I (the individual writing this) have been someone who "doesn't get into" that style of music. However, this man is entertaining, down-to-earth, he is anointed, powerful and spirit-filled. You can't help but want to move to his music. He engages the audience and makes you feel a part of what God is doing through Him.

On Sunday morning, Jason spoke of how God sent him, just a guy from Beaver Dam, KY to the Grammy's in Los Angeles. During that trip, being as country as he is, he had to go see the 'Price is Right' hoping to experience in the same trip, getting a Grammy AND playing plinko.

During this trip, he met a good-looking young man who had been in jail, had heard one of Jason's songs and it had moved him. He was now in a halfway house and was losing hope.

Jason encouraged him, "God has a plan for your life."

The young man looks up in surprise and says, "What?"

Jason repeats, "God has a plan for your life!" and the young man's face lit up and his whole countenance changed.

And then God told Jason, "That is why I sent you to LA - - for this young man to be encouraged." 

God has a plan for each of us. Never think you aren't influencing or that you aren't positioned to do enough.

Do what you can, where you are.

But most of all, first of all, you have to surrender it all to Christ.
You have nothing to lose if you've given it all to Him.

Christ can use you where you are... it's not YOUR performance, but His working through you that is important. In order for you to be flexible enough for Him to work through you, you cannot do it in your own strength, you have to have given yourself to Him and in that He will work through you.

You will be AMAZED at what He can do through you. He can use you ANYWHERE and He wants to.

Make a difference where you are today, give yourself to Christ and go be AMAZED!