Saturday, September 8, 2012

David Crank - In A Hurry? Be Still & Know That I Am God

Sometimes we are in a hurry to get things done, we think God is too slow, so we step in to help and we get in His way. We don’t have to rush and be in a hurry. Good things come to those who wait!

by 416style

From God’s perspective, we have a whole lifetime to “do this thing”.

In God’s eyes “A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day.  The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think”. (2 Peter 3:8-9) God is not bound by time like we are.
God looks at us and could easily say, “I was doing this before you got here and I’ll be doing this after you leave.”

Are you so busy that you’re barely acknowledging your kids? Are you missing the very zest of life?

God says be still and know that I am God! (Psalms 46:10)

How was he really saying it? In Psalms 46:10…

1.       BE STILL and know I’m God


2.       Be still and know HEY I’m God


3.       Be still and KNOW that I’m God


4.       Be Still and know that I’M God and YOU’RE NOT

We don’t know where the emphasis was in this scripture, but He could have meant it any of these ways.

We worry, what’s going to happen to the economy? What do we do? What do we know?
-          God says, I will never leave nor forsake you
-          God says, I will satisfy your needs
-          Be still and know that I am God
-          Patiently wait for the Lord, be brave and courageous
-          Occupy yourselves until I return

Sometimes the thing you hurry to do is the thing you want undone a short time later, such as a car purchase after that first car payment arrives?

It takes time to get into our mess and it takes time to get out of a mess.

The flesh is never satisfied. Proverbs 27:20, Ecclesiastes 1:8

If it is God today, it will be God tomorrow.



         Be Still…

                    And know…

                                   That I am God!

We say BUT!
God says, NO, Be Still.

Every person has a whisper from God. People respond to the God in you, the humility, not the bull-in-the-china-shop approach.
Everything in life becomes mundane. Stick with what you’ve got. Enjoy your kids. Stay motivated, but slow down. Don’t have those freakout moments.

God gets more glory when it looks impossible.

Enjoy and don’t rush out of what you have. Enjoy where you’re at right now. Have fun and make memories.


Enjoy right NOW.

Be Still and KNOW that I am God.


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