There is therefore now no condemnation (judging/guilt) to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to (the dictates of) the Spirit. Romans 8:1
God wants us to LEARN how to walk according to the dictates of the Spirit, not the dictates of the flesh.
There is a physical world but also a real spirit world that we can’t see…
In the world of the Spirit, to operate successfully, we have to be led by the Spirit of God, because we can’t see in that world.
Thinking Man Statue |
There’s nothing wrong with thinking. God gave us the mind of Christ.
God doesn’t want us to lean on our own understanding but to acknowledge him in all our ways so that HE can direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Not with the physical blood pumping one. Your heart is your “spirit man” the real you, the one that got born again, the one that “he quickened with his spirit”, the one that God communicates with. He doesn’t communicate with your brain or your flesh, but with your spirit.
God is a Spirit:
God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24
We have to be sensitive to what’s going on inside of us.
Your spirit man is in the center of your body, if you have a fright, where does it manifest?
When that cop pulls up behind you, where does it hit you, right there in your gut…
I was getting ready to come out and preach and I was getting ready to turn on my mic and before I did, I felt on the inside that I needed to make sure that they have it muted. Because if I go to the bathroom and flush, you guys hear it in stereo. So I had them double check it and it wasn’t muted, so they fixed it.
3 Ways God Communicates With Us:
1. God speaks to us through His written Word in the bible.
It is extremely important to read your bible and come to church.
It is extremely important to get a CD of a sermon and listen to it more than once because each time you will get something different out of it.
It is important to get into the Word of God, get into the meat of it.
Psalms 119 is the largest chapter in the bible.
The whole thing talks about and describes the word of God.
At the entrance of your Word, it brings light. It gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130
Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
He illuminates your way so that you see things you couldn’t see before.
We’re not talking about natural light.
If we turned off the lights and it was pitch dark and I told all of you to start running around the church, it would be chaos. You would be bumping into each other and getting hurt.
Despite the natural light of this world, people live their life in darkness because they don’t have the revelation of the word of God. They aren’t into the Word of the Lord.
The speed limit on the highway…you don’t see it one time, it keeps popping up on the highway to remind you. You need to be reminded to slow down and chill. You need those reminders.
You need to go to church over and over to hear it over and over…
Some people only come on Easter and that is the only time they hear Gods Word.
Everything you buy comes with instructions. DVD players, TV’s, etc.
It tells you that if you operate it according to the specifications of this manual, we guarantee it to last a certain amount of time.
The bible is God’s instruction book. He lets us know how to live and operate.
In Psalms it says “I will satisfy you with long life…” Psalm 91:16 …if you follow the instructions.
2. Through revelation knowledge.
If you are in darkness and turn on your phone, that little light, in this vast darkness is going to shine enough so that you can see where your feet need to go.
God speaks to us and when you ask and seek God about it and it’s not like you hear his voice…
I have never heard an audible voice of God with my ears.
I have seen and heard God in my Spirit…He has revealed things to me.
The bible says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
He will begin to show you things that you did not know about before.
Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
God knows everything.
We have a “know it all” living inside of us.
God is in us by His Spirit and the Spirit of God that dwells in us knows everything.
When I lose something, the first person I go to is the Holy Spirit.
Because He knows exactly where it is.
When I was an officer in a prison, there was an incident in the prison. There was an incident in the commissary where a knife went missing. The place was locked down where everyone went to their dorm or space and the officers had to search the place. It takes 4-5 hours to do that. A knife was missing one of the guys might have grabbed it to hurt an officer or another inmate.
So I prayed, asking God where it was.
You know how in cartoons when the character has a revelation and there is a little lightbulb that shows over his head?
Well for me it was like a puff of revelation that all of a sudden I could see inside of me that the knife had fallen between the counter and the wall. It saved 5 hrs of work. I’m not boasting, I’m reporting.
God will show you things if you ask him.
He will show you things about your teenagers.
Mine was out til 3-4 in the morning and they weren’t answering their phone…but the benefit of having a relationship with God is that you can check inwardly and know that everything is ok.
Even when there is a storm on the outside.
Peace is priceless.
To be able to look inwardly and have that confidence with God that everything is going to be ok. No matter what is going on outside.
Read Matthew 16:13-17 and see how Peter responds thru revelation to Jesus’ question.
When you get saved, it is because on the inside, you know that you need Christ and He is the One.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
You hear the gospel and you just know on the inside that you need Christ.
You just know that you need to accept Jesus into your life.
That all happens by revelation.
But you have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things. 1 John 2:20
We know all things.
How?By the unction of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us.
If you continue to ask and seek Him about it, He’s going to show it to you.
The bible says in John 14:26, the bible says, But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.
His job is to show you things and bring the Word of God that you put in your heart back up to your remembrance.
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13 NKJV
1. You have to receive Jesus first.
2. Then the Spirit of God dwells in you.
3. The Spirit of God is a know it all and He lives inside your Spirit.
It’s our responsibility to acknowledge Him. Sometimes we go days without acknowledging God on the inside of us and we make so many mistakes and we just go our way. The spirit of God is always inside of us trying to prompt us to do this or that. He wants to keep us from suffering pain.
Let’s stop saying, “I don’t know what to do.”
Start saying:
“I don’t know what to do at this moment, but I know God is going to show me because I have an unction of the Holy one and I know all things.”
__________________________3. Being led by the Peace of God (inner peace)
It is so important to not have strife, conflict, jealousy, unforgiveness, drama in our life. We have to maintain our peace and guard our hearts. So that God can lead us by giving us peace.
If you have turmoil and are going through conflict constantly, you’re not even going to be able to be led with the peace of God.
Peace is like a green light. It means to proceed.
If the peace goes away and there is turmoil and conflict in your spirit, you need to stop doing what you are doing and go back.
Col 3:15 AMP - And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
Let the peace of God rule in your heart as an umpire. In a baseball game, whatever an umpire says goes, it doesn’t matter what anyone else wants, his word is law. If he says you’re out, you’re out.
Live your life by the peace you have inside your spirit. If there is a lot of peace, you have a green light.
I decided that I needed to buy a nice pair of shoes about 20 years ago. So I saved, had the money in my pocket, and went to the store. I had seen these shoes before, I liked them. I got to the counter to pay and the peace was gone. I was like, “What?” I was happy, joyful, I had the money, this was what I wanted! So I recognized what was going on inside, and though I wanted to do it, it wasn’t right, so I stopped because something wasn’t right.
As Pastor David has said “it’s like taking a shower with your socks on. There’s something just not right about it.” It feels uncomfortable.
So I put the shoes back and left disappointed.
On the way home, I decided to stop at another store and the same shoes were at this store at 50% off. Guess who knew about that? My Daddy was trying to save me 50% off shoes. That unction, that peace is what led me.
I got the same shoes that I wanted at 50% off.
It is such a benefit to be a christian not only do we get to go to heaven, but our Father wants to lead us and bless us by His Spirit. We have to learn how to be sensitive to that.
“The bible says those that thirst after righteousness shall be filled.” When you get into church more than once a week, you want more. God is going to fill you because you honor Him and you came to His house and you wanted to find out more about Him.
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