Sunday, September 16, 2012

David Crank - Emotional Cancer - It'll Kill You.

Emotional Cancer will kill you before other cancers are even diagnosed.
My Dad, David Crank Sr, died at 56 years old of melanoma skin cancer that spread from his neck into tumors in his brain. During a period of operations, it metastasized.
In the months leading up to his diagnosis, Dad said He heard God’s booming voice saying, “CHANGE NOW!!!”, walk in love, forgive people, deal with this, David, you have to get to the root of the problem.

Dad didn’t die of cancer on the brain as much as cancer of the mind.

God wanted him to get rid of the bad thoughts that had set up root in his mind so that God could move forward with His creative miracle of healing.  God does supernatural healing, but we have to obey.

The enemy will work against you to allow the pain of your past to set up root in your mind.

Strive to live in peace with everybody… Exercise foresight and be on the watch… in order that no root of resentment, rancor, bitterness, or hatred shoots forth… Hebrews 12:14-15

When people hate you, it’s not that they hate YOU, they aren’t coming against YOU, they are coming against ME (Jesus). 
It’s what I’ve called you to do that they are coming against.

Let all bitterness, rage, bad temper, resentment, anger, quarreling, or abusive language, be banished from you. Ephesians 4:31

You create a root when you rehearse over and over all those who have done you wrong, thinking about it, calling people and talking about it – Don’t do it!

By Steve Weaver

A root is good for a tree, it is life-giving and goes deep… but a root is not so good when it has to do with our negative thoughts.

I found out that a few years before the diagnosis, the dermatologist had told my Dad that he needed to get more checks done regarding the spots being cut off of his neck. He responded that he didn’t need any checkup. Just cut them off. He was ignoring doctors’ advice.

WE ignore the doctor’s advice, the Great Physician, Jesus says:

And when you pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him so that your Father who is in heaven may also forgive you. Mark 11:25

FORGIVE so that your heavenly father can forgive you.

Is God begging you to change today? Do you have Emotional Cancer?

It’s not what’s going on around us that is the problem, but what is going on inside of us.

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?... Fix your eyes on God—soon you’ll be praising again…He is your God! Psalms 42:11

The bible says that we “renew our minds by studying the Word of God”.

God isn't trying to hurt us by saying, “Just forgive-em, forget about it, let it go.”

No what He’s saying is, “WAIT A MINUTE! Be on the lookout whatever you do!”

The enemy works to set up strongholds in our minds and he does it through deceit, well-laid plans and deliberate deception to get us to hurry up and take offense at what people do to us.

Get your thinking in line with God’s word. You can’t think positive with a negative mind.

If you want to stay Emotional Cancer free and hear the Doctor, Jesus, say, “You have a clean bill of health!" then get plugged in to a church and hearing God's Word.

We need to forgive, let it drop, as soon as we see the first indication that we have the slightest spot of emotional and relational cancer.

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