Tuesday, September 4, 2012

David Crank - Flesh is CUH-RAY-ZEE!

We try to succeed through behavior modification but can’t fight flesh with flesh.

Satan is the king of “IF”.

-          If you were really saved you wouldn’t have done that…
-          IF you were a christian you wouldn’t have thought that…

Your spirit got saved your flesh didn’t. The enemy wants you to doubt who you are. Even Jesus was tempted and he countered every temptation with God’s Word.

By jul13d0wn3s Oct 2008
Just as Satan might promise you the world, the promises are empty because Jesus has already earned for you what is yours. Satan has nothing to offer but empty promises and lies.

I’m not under the “Do” plan,

I’m under the “Done” plan.

(Romans 6:14)


It’s not based on what you do, it’s based on what Jesus did FOR you.

Give no place to the devil.

If you let the enemy in the car, he’ll want to drive. You take authority over your own flesh and tell the devil to get away.

No one wakes up today and says today is the day that I’m going to destroy my life and lose my family. It starts with a whisper from the devil that it’s ok to look at porn or go be with that woman who makes you feel better about yourself than your wife.

God says you are a new man and the old man is buried, but the “old man” rises up and you have to keep pushing him back down in the casket. 

You can’t trust your flesh, it’s an enemy of the Lord.

There are seasons. You may sin and “have fun” for a season, but then you’ve created a habit and can’t seem to stop once the season has passed and you’ve decided you don’t want to live like that anymore.

Skin is skin, the flesh is never satisfied. The enemy will trip you up. 

Guys go out for White Castle when they have Filet Mignon at home!

You're clean because of what Jesus has done for you. it doesn't matter how you feel. Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise. The enemy tries to convince you that you’re already dirty and may as well go “do that thing” that you want to do. 

What the Son has set free is free indeed.

Don't give in to the lies of the enemy, but embrace the blessings Jesus has for you - in front of you - right now - today.

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