Friday, April 6, 2012

David Crank - It's Finished! Embrace it!

Everything points us towards trying to live right, trying to do, do, do after we're saved.

God doesn't bless you because you're good. He blesses you because He's good.

To help you begin to comprehend what Jesus did for you:

  • He paid $17 million dollars on your $1700 debt.
He so overpaid your debt that it MORE than accounted for your past, present and future sin... Your sin is minimal compared to what He paid for You.

What Jesus did on the cross
is so much bigger than any evil
that keeps you from God's love. 

The bible says 'All fall short of the glory of God. All are in sin. All need saving.' No matter how "good" someone appears, we're all sinners. A white lie is as bad as murder in God's eyes.


In Matthew 27, there were 3 crosses.

The thief on one cross asked Jesus if he could be saved and Jesus told him, "Today you will be with me in paradise."

And it was a good Friday for that guy.

Meanwhile the thief on the other cross was in pride and denial, he never sought Jesus and for him it was a bad day.

When Jesus died he didn't just physically die, His spirit died too. He went to hell and took back the keys to death that the enemy stole from Adam and Eve.

He returned to earth a conqueror bringing eternal life and imparting His authority on earth to us.


When we plug in to the cross, we have power.

When we unplug from the cross, we lose power.

He IS our power Source, stay or GET plugged in.

The commandments were delivered on cold, hard tablets. Impersonal.

Jesus showed up and personally paid a debt He didn't owe.

He's a Personal God.

Colossians 2:13 says "You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins."

God made you alive WITH Christ.

The slate is wiped clean. Death cannot touch you any longer. Jesus overcame all obstacles for us.

Every time the enemy tries to tell you different...

Turn your Light on...

Because the enemy no longer has power over you!

THAT is the Good News of the Gospel!

In the movie, Dumb and Dumber, the guy asks, "What's the chance of a guy like me getting with a girl like you?" She answers and he responds, "So you're saying there's a chance..."


It's not about wondering if there is a CHANCE that you MIGHT go to heaven...

If you accept Jesus, you HAVE eternal life.

You WILL be with Him in heaven, without a doubt! There is no guessing. He paid the price. If you accept the gift, you're "in the family".

Get plugged in to the Word, to Jesus', to a local church and be thankful. Jesus is personal.

He wants you and He wants time with you and for you to know Him as well as He knows you.

Just remember, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

God gave it all.  God gave first.  Follow His example.

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