Saturday, March 31, 2012

David Crank - Don't Compartmentalize

God doesn't want us to compartmentalize.

God wants "all-access" privileges to our life.

When you get your eyes on the wrong thing, you get wrong results.
  1. Jesus walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33)
  2. Peter did not hesitate to JUMP out of the boat and join him
  3. Peter focused on himself (his abilities/his strength) and began to doubt and sink
  4. Jesus lifted him up (no condemnation here)
  5. Peter’s eyes were back on Jesus
  6. They walked back to the boat and climbed in together (Peter walked on water twice)
Jesus didn’t carry him, they did it together. Peter had his part to do.

Peter's part went more smoothly when he stayed focused on Jesus.

Peter had to had to risk, he had to step out and get wet, step out in faith and face failing in order to test his faith. The others stayed back in the boat, dry, untested…questioning.

Peter’s faith was tested and strengthened because he did not hesitate.

It doesn’t matter that he jumped out, walked and sank… that gave Jesus the chance to step in and lift Peter up. That’s God’s part. Ours is to step out in faith…His is to complete us and lift us up when we hit the end of our ability/strength…
Taste and see that the Lord is good… Psalm 34:8

  • We see our need for God, we get saved and now we have to "live right".
  • THAT is compartmentalizing.
  • You can’t live right on your own.
  • Jesus will love you from the inside out and begin to change you.
  • Keep your eyes on Him, don’t try to "do" it on your own.

You’re as "right with God" as you’re ever going to get, once you’re saved. So as for all the dumb things you do? Stop condemning yourself. God isn’t.

Stop letting the enemy tell you that you can’t tell someone about Jesus because you’re "sinking". When we compartmentalize, we can’t reach the person that's an arm’s length away.

We put ourselves on the whipping post. Jesus has already taken the beating for you.

Get your eyes off of your mistakes and onto what Jesus has done for you.

Because of Jesus, you are perfect in God’s eyes because it is Jesus’ performance, Jesus’ sacrifice that God sees after you are saved.

Too many of us are still at the kids table in Christ.

Walk away from the kids table and join the adult table (think Thanksgiving). The kids table has to have their food cut up, arguments settled and messes cleaned up. Yet once you join the adult table, don’t forget to stay in touch with your creativity and child-like faith.

Don’t compartmentalize.

Give God an open floorplan and full access to your life. There is nothing going on in your life that is going to take God by surprise.

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